meet the soon to be 4th grader Ida and the 6th grader Ryan…I first photographed these gorgeous kids last summer, again in spring of this year, and again last week.
I know it’s really only been a year since their first session but I feel like they’ve grown up so much since then…
besides the fact that they’re growing up so beautifully, they are ridiculously smart and they’ve taught me a thing or two (I know that’s not very hard) but trust me they’re smart.
they’ve done things that I can only dream of doing one day…like ride a hovercraft…that’s right a hovercraft…don’t they only have those in the glades?
anywho lets commence, here are a couple photos from their previous sessions
summer ’09 in the park (Left), spring ’10 at the mission (Right)
this time we stopped by Laguna Beach
these 2 are very competitive so we played a little “stare down” game…no blicking allowed and arm wrestling…they loved it
we headed down to the beach…
not sure what those numbers mean but maybe it’s some programming code or zipcode?
I love this photo…something tells me Ryan will always have her back
the water was freeeeeezing but Ida couldn’t get enough!
I had to share these feet…
we headed back…to play with lips and mustaches
aren’t his eyes gorgeous? Or maybe it’s the stare
of course we had to include Dexter…sit boo boo sit…good dog
she’s having a moment “I’m the king of the world…oops I’m the Queen of the world”
I’m so happy I have the opportunity to watch them grow…before you know they’ll be off the college…au revoir till next time